Covid-19 waves.

 Covid-19 plays a game of waves recently under which people are living harldly. Lockdown and no work make people poor and financially very weak.It totally effects the economy of multiple countries. But we have learn to live with covid-19 untill we defeat it fully.Number if deaths and recovery rates are seen daily .Many Deaths happen due to our many health issues and due to carelessness but on the other side recovery rates increase due to our support and treatment.we have a need to  support each other in this pandimic position.Different type of people's have different type of problems which can we  solve only by our little bit support and care.Generally we have to learn to love with covid 19.This time it is challenge that we will defeat covid 19 and life will come on so. Beautiful again.Every body is well of it that number of families have financial problem due this viruses. In virus many families were showed on social media by media person's ,who present there good job at that period of time. Social Media make it very transparent in these hard times step by step they started a life with happiness and joy.

The labour participation rate fell, the unemployment rate shot up and there was tremendous stress. There were lots of job losses around covid time. January to March were not very good, the unemployment rate was showing signs of rising, the labour participation rate was weak. Therefore, we were saying that even before the recovery was complete, the recovery had stalled. And then we got hit by the second wave of Covid-19.


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