Covid awareness.

 Presently we all are familiar with covid 19 effects and symptoms and treatment is available in all ends ,efforts .The treatment is based on wise research of scientists. But more thing i want to share here is we should not take any antibiotic on our own choice which May cause difficult disease in future only should take a prescribed medicines by Doctors. Somestimes Many knowledgeable people do such activities ,due their suggestions and  information, cause side effects of another disease. So each and every tablet should be well know by the prescriber. Only Doctors can provide good and best prescription towards patient.There are number of chemists who provide medicines without any valid ticket and prescription ,if there is ticket then number of patients can get there medicines on time.Multiple number of people take it easy to adopt it which is there misunderstanding and lackness of knowledge. As we already know it that a teacher can teach , farmer can farm good ,a barber can dress up hair and only a Doctor can treat a patient very well.

At present everyone who have the symptoms of covid 19 are any other issue regarding health they should visit only Hospitals as compared to direct chemists ,because modern hospitals have good qualified Doctors and nurses .It is necessary to take serious if we found symptoms of covid 19 and we must visit to Doctor. We should not fear about its treatment but treatment is available and very regular nowadays .Our Doctors are hereos too who support and cares our patients.Each individual is precious resource of its belonging country,which must be saved and cared very well.There is a number of foreign countries who support by supplying oxygen and vaccination towards needy .Recently many people could not avail a supply of oxygen at proper time and cause death .So Every human wants a care and support through there wise and humble measures.As we already know it that nothing will remain forever every will gone on its own time ,Happiness and smile will come again in every corner of the world presently it is a time to bold and support each other.we have to defeat it through our time management and support.There are different level of people living in world some people can effort there needs but many of them can't. People are fully in there houses ,the relief and sanitizers should make possible ,not only this but  many sectors like tourist sector,employment sector ,farmers sector ,business sector ,agriculture, horticultural, handloom sector ,presently all governments should helps such sectors and remaing  ones .How can people effort to stand until they not helped to stand again in these covid 19 situations. Otherside there are debts and other liabilities of people which they can not presently fulfill.New improments and new developments are being done toward the safety of human beings .Every new step is being taken for betterment of life.Coronavirus  surely depress people in several ways like financial weakness ,Health,and much more.

Awarness regarding vaccination is important for  all of us  that there are no such side effects which May cause any probleem .Actually vaccination is care towards a good health.vaccination protects us from virus and helps us to develop immune system .All Governments provide good support towards the betterment of Humanity. Govts must provide a relief towards needy and poor people. During covid people support to homequarintine  days very well. Every aspect of life is important to all of us.Generally it facilities a good step towards a good distance and hand washing on regular basis is a talk of our  need and requirement. It provides awareness regarding the effects of covid 19.Every awareness WHO provides is must to adopt and maintain at all levels.At first time when it was starting of covid-19 that time people were not well familiar about it but nowadays everyone knows symtoms and treatment upon which we should not delay to care on time.Just few days ago many people expire due to there late care about health .Each and everything is availbel presently in news ,social media etc.Many places where the facilities are not yet received must be helped by near ones.


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