Covid defeat.

 Every person should understand it  if they use proper sops use face masks maintain social distance are the heros because they will defeat covid everyone defeats covid 19 by taking these small steps towards health .Gradually everyone plays a major role to control virus .We all know it that lockdown influenced us badly on many stages but there is no other way to safeguard our precious lives.Only lockdown and our support will defeat covid 19.All ages above 45 get vaccinated defeat covid 19 too.Percentage of recovery rate increases daily that is a good news for all of us .89.2 is a present percentage of recovery rate .Every day we process towards new journay of life.Each day becomes a new opportunity day for al of us .There is an importance of self care and understanding degrading the other matters of Covid-19.Gradually number of positive changes will come again for the growth and development of humanity. By good and mutual things our lost will be achieved.transportation also support to defeat Covid-19 and there is no doubt that they also get influenced due to some measures. Daily life of many people influenced badly because of no work no job.Many emergencies were stopped during lockdown except health regarding emergencies. Several people were used to work daily in new nearby area but after the positivity of these area there work stop again.Many changes happen and number of problems are faced by people world-wide. Planning is tool for future works but this time planner plan remain suspended due to coronavirus .Many places the tourists visit yearly stop there tour in these days. Number of people have job on them and there family also depend upon there tourism season. Covid-19, suffers people in debit amounts from banks which effects them in present position. In covid 19 festivals, seminaries, cinema halls ,schools and much more effected. In marriages only limited people were allowed to join a party but at that period of time it was must for our betterment and health,not only this but Muslims Haj pligrms were stopped due to rules and regulations of Arab .It all has been done due to covid 19,everybody support and passed a positive message.Due all of this  common life of people get effected,commodities price rise up and the daily necessities became much more difficult to purchase. It make people so far away from there own blood relations ,some families miss there family members in another country ,son was in one country and there others family members were in another country which make them startly depressed. But covid present itself for a long period of time gradually families got habit of these things .At present those things are common nowadays. 


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