Covid Today

 As we already know it that covid 19 rises but on the otherside recovery rates are getting better.vaccination is important for both men and women ,both kidney disease patient  and all of us have an importance of vaccine. So individuals have self important for there health. And the mask protects us from get infected .virsus is airborn also it remains for two to three hours live. Many people are facing problems in vaccine help .it May be misunderstanding .virus remains for long run but vaccine helps us to bost our immune system. It last for two to three hours in air.Masks and social distance helps us to remain safe.when we talk actually number of little water drops come out from our mouth which make the other person infected. Covid that we have ti defeat now .Every sector of get influence of it like employment ,labour ,and much more.In this difficult situation we must stand for help ,care and support .Number of  problems rise across the globe due to covid that can't be hide at its actually position.

Generally covid effect everyone but we are the heroes if we defeat it by our mutual understanding and support towards others.Humanity matters to support and care.All researchs are useful if we fallow and support to our care and support to others .During covid 19 the business of masks and sanitizers rise up ahead several people behave useless with the actual rate of masks .5 rupees mask were sold at ten to twenty in many places .It is also very important for us to use sops and social distance these are the measures that can control the more future of virus .covid position presrise companies to remove there employees for some period of time ,at that time employees face big problem with there financial need but it was important to save humanity. World-wide get influenced at that period of time.covid precerise people at one place in lockdown but they understand it gradually.

Several deaths takes place of the people who does not get vaccinated before .vaccination is a care towards our future health.covid 19 make people poor due to no work no job only lockdown which effect the life of humanity too.covid 19 lockdown make people happy on the otherside because it is a way to controle a virus.,many emergencies were stopped  during lock down axcept health and other top top level necessities were continued. In lockdown people used to study there children's in home and provide online classes .some children's could not present there classes due to several financial problems. But this time covid teach something very different and valued.Many parents get tired due un used behave of there children's in home during lock down. Many family member have small childerns and they do some naughty actions in there houses,But parents tolerate it and support  themselves to care in all ends of life.Hand washing and social distance is a starting key to control covid 19.Gradually many things happen to it ,like vaccination,lockdown, curfew etc.This all is done for the betterment of humanity all-around the world. Sound understanding and mutul support make it very clear and fruitful.Number of developing projects are being stoped for some period of time .Everything get effected and difficult ,workers can't do there work ,labours could not fullfil there daily needs too.Each and every family face own type of difficulties during present virus via covid 19.One more idea I want to share here is that many poeple make very funny videos on covid with message which make people happy  and make them encouraged.

Vaccination and oxygen facility make covid 19 patients  hopeful .we all have a right to support and care .Number of doctors lost there life during service to humanity .Many people stop to reach in there families due to there society need jobs .It improve the strength of people .on the otherhand number of people are charged upon there no use of masks .presently each individual is responsible to support law and order too.Medical job holders spend there precious time with our positive patients and encourages them to get well very soo .


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