Covid And life under lockdown

 Covid-19 and lockdown rise make people very difficult to live .Lockdown effect ever aspect of life ,people suffer poverty and needy .Due to lockdown number of poor people could not fullfill there daily needs and requirements person's working in roads were used to make money by selling cloths, watches,foods,vegetables and much more get effected .In lockdown labours and women who were working in society could not effort presently the basic need .In lockdown people get financially too weak.Lockdown and virus are interrelated with each other and both palys with a life.Lockdown is a key to control this virus presently but it is important to provide  relaxations the people can full fill there daily needs and requirements. In lockdown there must be availability of jobs in bulk which can we done from home presently it is call work from home that May be a good support in lockdown towards the growth of financial strength. Lockdown days can we spend in our good hobbies too..

Number of funny videos are made us. daily bases to present and create happiness among people and make money too.This is very important to all of us to use all the precautions at present time .

What are the challenges of being in ‘lockdown’? 

The negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic can at times feel sad and overwhelming. Given the extent of the changes the world is undergoing and the uncertainty in how long these changes will last, it might even be that you’re experiencing feelings of shock. It’s important to recognize and accept that it’s normal to have moments and days where we feel less than OK. You, or friends/colleagues/family members may be managing multiple responsibilities such as work and childcare/home schooling, or caring for the elderly. You may be feeling isolated, lonely or disconnected, particularly if you are living alone. You may not be able to visit those you most care about, or have even lost loved ones. You may simply miss social gatherings or traveling to other places. Many of us are struggling to maintain a good work-life balance, and to overcome feelings of reduced productivity and/or motivation. One of the major themes that emerged from our group discussions was a feeling of guilt. For those with caring responsibilities, this might be related to feelings of not accomplishing much work and/or not spending enough time with the family. For those who have been put on furlough, you might be missing a sense of purpose related to your job. For those without caring responsibilities and who continue to work from home, it might be a sense of guilt associated with not accomplishing much, despite not having such constraints. Whatever your circumstances, it’s almost certain that you’re trying to find ways to cope with this new reality and the challenges it presents.

What can we do to improve our own mental health, and that of others?

Taking care of ourselves, and making sure that we emerge from this pandemic in good physical and mental health, is one of the best things we can do not only for ourselves, but also for those around us, who we will be better able to help support. Try to be aware of the sources of your stress: make changes to improve the things you can, and do your best to accept those you can’t. Focus on the things that make you feel good that you’re currently able to do, and take the time to do them! 


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